The Men’s Program, written by John Foubert and promoted by the National Organization of Men’s Outreach for Rape Education, Inc. The Men’s Program, Sexual Assault Peer Advocates (SAPA), Central Michigan University, Mount Pleasant,
The Men’s Program, written by John Foubert and promoted by the National Organization of Men’s Outreach for Rape Education, Inc. The Men’s Program, Sexual Assault Peer Advocates (SAPA), Central Michigan University, Mount Pleasant, MI
Contact Name: John Foubert, Assistant Professor of Higher Education, College of William and Mary, and President, NO MORE Inc.
Phone Number: (757) 221-2322
Key Words: (1) Male only; (2) college age; (3) primarily white population; (4) university setting; (5) 1-hour videotaped program
Population served
This sexual violence prevention program was designed for men on college campuses. It has also been presented in military academies (the Naval Academy, a modified version to the Air Force), high schools, prison halfway houses, state health departments, state sexual assault coalitions, and local community organizations. Most presentations are typically delivered in residence halls and fraternities and to athletes.
Medium used to convey message
The Men’s Program can be presented as a live performance by peer educators from a prepared script or shown as a videotape called “How to Help a Sexual Assault Survivor: What Men Can Do” produced by NO MORE, Inc. This tape is a professional video of peer educators and a police officer presenting The Men’s Program and is designed for use in place of a live presentation. The centerpiece of the program is a video segment in which a police officer describes an experience of a male officer being raped by two males. This example is used to induce empathy in men for rape survivors.
Goals, objectives, and desired outcomes
The program includes both overt and covert goals. The overt goal is to teach men how to help a woman recover from rape. The covert goal is primary prevention and changing behavioral intent.
Theoretical/ scientific basis for the approach
The research underlying The Men’s Program includes findings by Brecklin and Forde (2001) and Earle (1996) showing that all-male peer education programs are more successful than mixed-gender programs and those not presented by peers. Other research has shown that as men increase their empathy with survivors and have more aversion to rape, they report less likelihood of raping (Hamilton & Yee, 1990; Schewe & O’Donohue, 1993). The program is also based on theories of attitude and behavior change, including Belief System Theory (Grube, Mayton, & Ball-Rokeach, 1994) and the Elaboration Likelihood Model (Petty & Cacioppo, 1986).
Level of evaluation
Program staff conducted a formal evaluation of fraternity men who participated in the program. Pre- and post-tests were conducted, as well as a 7-month follow-up. These evaluations gauged attitudes and behavioral intent. Published findings of the study showing a significant, long-term decline in rape myth acceptance and likelihood of raping and are provided in the Journal of American College Health (Foubert, 2000). Additional studies are being conducted. The program has been in existence since 1993.
Staff capacity
More than 1,500 copies of the manual for this program have been sold. The author knows of 10 universities who currently are using the program on a regular basis. Many more have seen the program. Students at each of these institutions who call themselves “One in Four” present the program at these 10 universities. Limited funding tends to be provided by the individual universities to their peer education groups. These “One in Four” chapters provide presentations at their campuses, and in some cases in their communities and at other universities. Dr. Foubert tours the country presenting The Men’s Program and teaching others how to start “One in Four” chapters. The research on his program has been funded by an American College Personnel Association (ACPA) grant, a summer research grant at William and Mary, national fraternities, and the National Interfraternity Conference.