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The Men Working With Men Program, Sexual Assault Prevention Education Program, Oklahoma State Department of Health (OSDH), Chronic Disease Service, Oklahoma City, OK

The Men Working With Men Program, Sexual Assault Prevention Education Program, Oklahoma State Department of Health (OSDH), Chronic Disease Service, Oklahoma City, OK
Contact Name: Kathy Middleton, Ella K. Slagle, Steve Nedbaleck
Phone Number: (405) 271-4072, ext. 57107, ext. 57144
Key Words: (1) Male only; (2) college age; (3) racially diverse; (4) university setting; (5) one-time workshop
Population served
A diverse group of college-aged males and athletes participate in this program. The program has involved approximately 150 Train-the-Trainer participants. The information has also been adapted to be presented to males in the high school district system and males in the juvenile offender system.
Medium used to convey message
This program provides The Men’s Program developed by John Foubert. It attempts to change social norms and cultural myths around rape and sexual assault. The program also offers a Bullying Prevention Initiative that has a sexual bullying component presented to mixed-gender groups. OSDH provides training, materials, and technical assistance to male-focused organizations at colleges and universities. It anticipates providing resources to several Oklahoma colleges and universities.
Goals, objectives, and desired outcomes
The program promotes the need for men to provide leadership in sexual assault prevention and education. The goal is to make changes in male social norms and cultural myths regarding rape and sexual assault.
Theoretical/ scientific basis for the approach
This program uses the research-based training model developed by John Foubert.
Level of evaluation
Staff have conducted an assessment of changes in knowledge and attitudes, which were found to be statistically significant from pre-test to post-test. They are currently working on a behavior study and will be adding to their research statewide in spring/summer 2003.
Staff capacity
An experienced, male public health specialist with the OSDH Sexual Assault Prevention Education Program delivers the program.