Take a Stand, Student Assault Recovery Service, University of Montana, Missoula, MT
Take a Stand, Student Assault Recovery Service, University of Montana, Missoula, MT
Contact Name: Shantelle Gaynor
Phone Number: (406) 243-6429
E-mail: sgaynor@mso.umt.edu
Key Words: (1) Male only; (2) college age and adults; (3) racially diverse; (4) university setting; (5) ongoing group discussions
Population served
This program is a campus-based prevention intervention, delivered to a group of racially diverse college-aged and adult men. Participants meet on a voluntary basis and are recruited through on-campus outreach.
Medium used to convey message
The primary component of the program is a group discussion twice a month. Volunteer male peer educators present sexual awareness/ consciousness-raising materials to a group of 7 to 10 men two Wednesdays per month for 1½ hours each. The discussion focuses on how gender roles influence sexual violence. The program also conducts gender exercises (i.e., construction of masculinity) and bystander scenarios and provides activist opportunities in which men offer peer education in the community. The program is based on a focus group approach, and a script of questions is used to facilitate discussion.
Goals, objectives, and desired outcomes
The main goal of the program is to prevent sexual violence by focusing on men rather than teaching women how to avoid dangerous situations. It addresses the violence in men’s lives that leads to desensitization and devaluing of others. Program staff describe their most important service as being the quality and depth of the discussions.
Theoretical/ scientific basis for the approach
The program is based on work done by Alan Berkowitz. The program also works in collaboration with Men Can Stop Rape in Washington, DC. The group conducts Train-the-Trainer workshops with staff of Take a Stand. The program is also based on the third wave of feminist theory, which emphasizes the importance of men’s involvement.
Level of evaluation
Program staff attempted to conduct phone interviews with a sample of 500 students, but the response rate was less than 1 percent. They will attempt to do more evaluation with future funding cycles. Basic satisfaction evaluations are conducted to refine the questions asked during the presentations. The outline of discussions has changed and shifted as a result. The program is in the process of revising its peer education discussions. It does have a relationship with an external evaluator.
Staff capacity
The program has been in existence for approximately 9 months. It currently employs one full-time and one part-time staff member. Male peer educators deliver the program and provide assistance with data collection and evaluation efforts. The funding for the program will be up for renewal in a year and a half.