Standards for Primary Prevention Educators
From the National Sexual Violence Resource Center publication, “The Perfect Shade of Change: Resources for Sexual Violence Preventionists Creating Safe and Healthy Communities.”
Qualities and Abilities of Effective and Confident Prevention Practitioners:
1. Ability to demonstrate foundational understanding of sexual violence and sexual violence-related issues
A. Describing the issue: Be able to define sexual violence and give examples
B. Comprehensive programming: Highlight the resources a community offers and keep the impact of trauma as the cornerstone of programming
C. Sexual harassment: Preventionists can help businesses, colleges, and other agencies learn how to be compliant with laws about safe working environments. Be able to give examples of
sexual harassment in each environment.
D. Confidentiality: Explain how confidentiality between counselors and survivors plays an important role in supporting survivors both legally and emotionally.
E. Healthy sexuality and healthy relationships: Prevention practitioners should be comfortable discussing issues of “consent and consensual dynamics both within the context of sexual activity, as well as other non-sexual interactions.”
F. Mandated reporting: Information about mandated reporting/what the local policy is regarding this issue is part of prevention.
G. Stalking: Awareness of this growing issue, while it may be more prevalent in some communities than others, makes for a well-rounded preventionist
H. Frameworks knowledge: Preventionists should be able to discuss issues so that victim-blaming is redirected and accountability is placed back on the perpetrators
2. Ability to outline, list, or describe how and why sexual violence is a public health problem
A. Oppression: How it affects violence and rape culture
B. Guiding tools
C. Perceptions: Understand the power of language and what people think when they hear the words “sexual violence”
D. Social change: A focus on changing behaviors and social norms
3. Ability to make connections between anti-oppression work and sexual violence prevention accessible in their community
A. Principles of Effective Prevention
B. Evaluation and Assessment
4. Ability to identify and implement foundational elements of program development, evaluation, and data analysis
5. Commitment to collaboration and trust in community partners to organize and sustain sexual violence prevention efforts
6. Personal attributes and characteristics of individuals that could support longevity and appropriate “fit” with the work of prevention
A. Passion for social justice and sexual violence prevention
B. Visionary and/or “big picture” orientation to problem-solving
C. Ability to build collaborative partnerships
D. Realistic expectations and patience
E. Organizational skills/multitasking
Core competencies for sexual violence preventionists: Additional skills needed for preventionists
Prevention Accrediation Standards from Washington Coalition of Sexual Assault Programs