Resources for Collaboration
The Socio-Ecological Model and the Spectrum of Prevention both emphasize the need to work at the community level. This often involves fostering partnerships with organizations in different sectors, with diverse missions and target populations, and sometimes with competing goals.
- eLearning course: Collaboration for Sexual and Domestic Violence Prevention
- eLearning course: Coalition Building and Turf Management for Strategic Prevention Partnerships
- eLearning course: Coordinating Prevention across Sexual and Domestic Violence
- CALCASA and the Prevention Institute conducted a series of web conferences, called “Better multi-sector partnerships: What does it really take to work across sectors to prevent sexual and domestic violence?” These web conferences explored why and how to work collaboratively to address multiple kinds of violence.
- “Building Broad Partnerships for Primary Prevention of Violence Against Women” is a presentation from PreventConnect and the Prevention Institute. Engaging in broad partnerships is an excellent way to support a comprehensive violence against women prevention strategy. This presentation focuses on community organizations that engage in such prevention partnerships, and discusses the strategies needed to support and maintain such partnerships over time.
- What is collaboration math? Enhancing cross-sector partnerships for preventing violence against women: Preventing violence against women requires comprehensive approaches. Often, the best way to ensure a comprehensive strategy is to build a diverse coalition. This web conference highlighted Collaboration Math, a tool to develop effective collaborations.
- Additional tools for collaboration math