Bullying Resources
- **Bully Busters: A Teacher’s Manual for Helping Bullies, Victims, and Bystanders** was developed in 2000 to help teachers reduce aggression and bullying in the classroom by building upon students’ social skills and character development. It has two sections, one for students in grades K-5 and one for students in grades 6-8. Both sections include a CD-ROM with PDFs of all of the reproducible forms and student handouts contained in the manual. There are 36 activities designed to increase student participation in reducing and preventing bullying, as well as to strengthen the student/teacher relationship.
- Linking Bullyproof: Teaching About Bullying and Harassment Using National Standards for School Counseling and Health Education (Coe-Sullivan & Stein, 2006) is a manual designed to integrate the topics of bullying and harassment into the classroom curriculum of 4th and 5th grade students. It is a supplement to Bullyproof: A Teacher’s Guide on Teasing and Bullying for Use with Fourth and Fifth Grade Students (Sjostrom & Stein, 1996), a nationally recognized curriculum that was evaluated in a scientific, independent three-year study funded by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). This evaluation study was conducted by SafePlace, a combined sexual assault/domestic violence center, the Austin, Texas Independent School District, and the University of Texas, School of Social Work. Results from the evaluation showed that students in schools that used Bullyproof showed greater accuracy over time in identifying behaviors that constituted sexual harassment.
- Olweus Bullying Prevention Program: The Olweus Bullying Prevention Program is a comprehensive, school-wide program designed for use in elementary, middle, or junior high schools. Its goals are to reduce and prevent bullying problems among school children and to improve peer relations at school. The program has been found to reduce bullying among children, improve the social climate of classrooms, and reduce related antisocial behaviors, such as vandalism and truancy. The Olweus Program has been implemented in more than one dozen countries around the world.
- Facing History: Facing History and Ourselves provides a wealth of resources to help students and teachers explore the moral choices we face when confronted with bullying. To create safe schools, we need to think critically about the dynamics and impact of bullying in schools and communities, explore how young people and adults can stand up to this behavior, and learn how to prevent it. The Guide to the Film BULLY: Fostering Empathy and Action in Schools helps adult and student audiences confront the stories in this film and explore the meaning for their schools and their wider communities.
Bullying Websites/Resources
Bullying.org: Bullying.org’s purpose is to eliminate bullying in our society by supporting individuals and organizations to take positive actions against bullying through the sharing of resources, and to guide and champion them in creating non-violent solutions to the challenges and problems associated with bullying.
Stopbullying.gov: StopBullying.gov provides information from various government agencies on how kids, teens, parents,educators and others in the community can prevent or stop bullying.
No Name Calling Week: Was inspired by James Howe’s novel “The Misfits” and is an annual event that focuses on the problem of name-calling in schools. During this week, schools are encouraged to discuss ways to eliminate bullying.
Bully Police: A watch-dog organization which advocates for bullied children and reporting on state ani-bullying laws.
Bullies2buddies.com: Bullies2Buddies.com is dedicated to reducing bullying and aggression by teaching wisdom, for wisdom is the solution to life’s problems.
Operation Respect: Operation Respect is a non-profit organization working to assure each child and youth a respectful, safe and compassionate climate of learning where their academic, social and emotional development can take place free of bullying, ridicule and violence. Founded by Peter Yarrow of the folk group Peter, Paul & Mary, the organization disseminates educational resources that are designed to establish a climate that reduces the emotional and physical cruelty some children inflict upon each other by behaviors such as ridicule, bullying and-in extreme cases-violence. It is a unique organization that provides a gateway to broad scale adoption of school-based character education as well as social and emotional learning (SEL) programs
http://www.kzoo.edu/psych/stop_bullying/resources/websites.html: A compilation of online resources for children, parents, and teachers.
Committee for Children: We are Committee for Children. We are a nonprofit. And we’re helping create a world in which children can grow up to be peaceful, kind, responsible citizens.
Girlshealth.gov: This site was created by the Office on Women’s Health to promote positive and healthy behaviors in young girls. Provides links to additional resources on bullying for teachers and educators.
Prevent IPV- Bullying, Bias and Diversity Lesson Plans
Books Dealing With Bullying
‘The MisFits’, James Howe
‘Odd Girl Out’, Rachel Simmons
‘Blubber,’ Judy Blume
‘Define Normal,’ Julie Anne Peters
‘Queen Bees & Wannabes’, Rosalind Wiseman
“Queen Bee Moms & Kingpin Dads’, Rosalind Wiseman
‘Take The Bully By The Horns’, Sam Horn
‘The Bully Free Classroom’, Allan L. Beane
‘Breathing Underwater’, Alex Flinn
‘7 Habits Of Highly Effective Teens’, Sean Covey
‘6 Most Important Decisions You’ll Make’, Sean Covey
‘Dreamland’, Sarah Dessen
‘Reviving Ophelia’, Mary Pipher
‘The Batterer As A Parent’, Lundy Bancroft
‘The Gift of Fear’ & ‘Protecting The Gift’, Gavin DeBecker
‘Bullying At School’, Dan Olweus
‘Zink The Zebra’, Kellie Weil
‘ToeStomper & The Caterpillars’, Sharleen Collicott
‘Don’t Laugh At Me’, Steve Seskin
‘Please Stop Laughing At Me’, Jodee Blanco
‘The Bully’, Judith Casely
‘Sticks, Stones & Stumped!’, Deb Landy
‘Lily’s Secret’, Imou Miko
‘Hooway for Wodney Wat’, Helen Lester
‘The Berenstain Bears and the Bully’, Stan & Jan Berenstain
‘Crickwing’, Janell Cannon
‘Time To Tell Em Of! A Pocket Guide’, Deanna Miller
‘King of the Playground’, Phyllis R.Naylor
‘Say Something’, Peggy Moss
‘Schools Where Everyone Belongs’, Stan Davis
‘Being Bullied? You’re Not Alone!’, Jay Soloman
‘The Bully, The Bullied, and the Bystander’, Barbara Coloroso
‘Just Kidding” & “My Secret Bully’, Trudy Ludwig
‘Bullies Are A Pain In The Drain’, Trevor Romain
‘Stick Up For Yourself’, Free Spirit
‘The Meanest Thing To Say’, Bill Cosby
‘Break The Bully Cycle, SiriNam S. Khalsa
‘The Recess Queen’, Alexis O’Neill
‘ToeStomper and The Caterpillars’, Sharleen Collicott
‘Alley Oops’, Janice Levy
‘Weakfish’, Michael Dorne
‘Nobody Knew What To Do’, Becky Ray McCain
‘My Mouth Is A Volcano’, Julia Cook
‘The One Hundred Dresses’, Eleanor Este
‘Say Something’, Peggy Moss
‘Simon’s Hook’, Karen G. Burnett
‘Don’t Feed The Bully’, Brad Tassell
‘The Bully, The Bullied & Beyond’, Esther Williams
‘Bully On The Bus’, C. Bosch
‘Gimme Your Lunch Money’, Tara Kuther
‘The Bad News Bully’, Marcia Leonard
“Bully:” This documentary followed five families from 2009-2010. Each family profiled faces the aftermath of bullying from a different perspective. Debuting to controversy in March 2012, the film was originally given an ‘R’ rating before it was reduced to ‘PG-13.’ A companion book to the documentary, “Bully: An Action Plan for Teachers, Parents, and Communities to Combat the Bullying Crisis” is set to be published in September 2012.
For more information about several plays that address the bullying problem, visit the Theater Projects page and look under the Deana’s Educational Theater section.
“Bullying Perpetration and Subsequent Sexual Violence Perpetration Among Middle School Students:” This study, published in the Journal of Adolescent Health by the University of Illinois and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, examined the link between bullying and sexual violence among middle-school youth in grades 5-8. 12% of males and 12% of females reported bullying other students. Additionally, the study revealed that 20% of females and 34% of males reported homophobic teasing of other students. For more resources and information, visit the PreventConnect page, “Links Between Bullying and Sexual Violence: Possibilities for Prevention.”
Also see, The Bullying-Sexual Violence Pathway in Early Adolescence from Centers from Disease Control and Prevention:asap_bullyingsv-a.pdf
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