Media Literacy Exercises
Media Literacy Resources
- Gender and Violence: How media shape our culture – An 8-session curriculum on media literacy from the New Jersey Coalition Against Sexual Assault. Includes lesson plans, process and outcome evaluation tools, and background/framing.
- Women’s Media Center programs for girls
- Gender Ads Project: A resource for analyzing the advertising images that relate to gender.
- About Face: Promotes positive self-esteem in girls and women through a spirited approach to media education, outreach and activism.
- Jean Kilbourne Website: Explores images of women in advertising.
- The Media Education Foundation: A nonprofit producer and distributor of videos that challenge mainstream media.
- Mediawatch: Challenges racism, sexism, and violence in the media through education and action.
- Center for Media Literacy : This website serves students, their parents, and other educators interested in media literacy and media education.*
- Political Ad Accuracy
- Adbusters
- Campaign for Commercial-Free Childhood
- American Academy of Pediatrics: ‘A Minute for Kids’ and ‘Media Matters’
- American Association of Family and Consumer Sciences
- American Psychological Association: Violence on TV: What do children learn? What can parents do?
- National Institute on Media and the Family: Helps families and educators maximize the benefits and minimize the harm of mass media on children through research, education, and advocacy.
- Above the Influence: Substance abuse issues.
- Jackson Katz website: Focuses on media influence on men & boys – Tough Guise, Spin The Bottle, Wresting With Manhood, etc.
- The Dad Man: Fights inappropriate sexual imaging of ads (i.e. Abercrombie & Fitch). Dads and Daughters (web resources and a book of the same name)
- The Geena Davis Institute on Gender in Media ‘See Jane’ program: Aims to change female portrayals/gender-based stereotypes in children’s media.
- Empowering Books for Girls (PBS)
- Media Literacy Clearinghouse
- Media Channel
- Safe and Respectful Relationships for All
- Action 4 Media Education Formerly known as the Foundation for Family Television. Features a section called Media Literacy
- The Center for a New American Dream: Help Americans change the way they consume to improve quality of life, protect the environment, and promote social justice.
- Children Now: Media & health: Works to improve the quality of news and entertainment media for children.
- Consumer’s Union “Captive Kids: A Report on Commercial Pressures on Kids at Schools Consumer Reports monitors television advertising.
- MediaSmarts Canada’s centre for digital and medial literacy
- Project Look Sharp: 12 Basic Ways to Integrate Media Literacy and Critical Thinking into Any Curriculum
- Campaign for Real Beauty: Sponsored by Dove & Unilever
- The National Organization for Women Foundation’s “Love Your Body Campaign”
- Media Education Lab (The University of Rhode Island Harrington School of Communication and Media): Founded by Renee Hobbs
- Parents’ Action for Children
- National Institutes of Health Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development Media Smart Youth
- Project Alert
- Understand Media:
- Advertising Age
- PBS In The Mix
- Center on Media and Child Health