California Coalition Against Sexual Assault
(Redirected from CALCASA)

- 1215 K Street, Suite 1850, Sacramento, CA 95818
- (916) 446-2520 Voice
- (916) 446-8166 FAX
- (916) 446-8802 TTY
Founded in 1980 as the Califorina State Coalition of Rape Crisis Centers, the California Coalition Against Sexual Assault (CALCASA) is a membership association of rape crisis centers and sexual assault prevention programs in the State of California, in the United States of America. CALCASA is the only statewide organization in California whose sole purpose is to promote public policy, advocacy, training and technical assistance on the issue of sexual assault. CALCASA’s primary members are the rape crisis centers and rape prevention programs in the state. CALCASA also has affiliate members which include organizations, businesses, individuals and others committed to their mission and their vision of the elimination of sexual violence.
CALCASA works closely with rape crisis centers, government agencies, campuses, institutions, lawmakers, the criminal justice system, medical personnel, community-based organizations and business leaders providing a central resource for improving society’s response to sexual violence by supplying knowledge and expertise on a wide range of issues. It is also frequently the recipient of federal grants to conduct nationwide programs, including technical assistance for the Grants to Reduce Domestic Violence, Dating Violence, Sexual Assault, and Stalking on Campus Program of the U.S. Department of Justice’s Office on Violence Against Women, and PreventConnect: The Violence Against Women Partnership funded by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s National Center for Injury Control and Prevention.
PreventConnect: The Violence Against Women Partnership
- David S. Lee, Director of Prevention Services
-, (916) 446-2520 x 309
See the PreventConnect wiki page for a description of the program.