Peer Education and Outreach, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC
Note: This program no longer exists in its original form.
Original Contact Name: Mary Ann Turnbull
Key Words: (1) Mixed gender and male only; (2) college age; (3) racially diverse; (4) university setting; (5) one-time workshop
Population served
This program is open to all students but has a focus on male athletes, fraternities, and members of the Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (ROTC). It provides male-only presentations to a racially/ethnically diverse group.
Medium used to convey message
This is a one-time workshop that focuses on rape culture and changing inappropriate attitudes.
Goals, objectives, and desired outcomes
Program staff strive to help individual participants achieve the following goals:* begin thinking about the women in their life
- develop a better understanding of rape culture, such as language
- realize that small actions by both men and women that may not seem harmful can make a woman susceptible to rape
- become willing to talk to peers and take a stand against sexual violence
They also encourage athletes to become role models.
Theoretical/ scientific basis for the approach
This program is based on the work of John Foubert, Jackson Katz’s MVP program, and Men Can Stop Rape.
Level of evaluation
The program has had a limited amount of evaluation, mostly process oriented. It has been in existence for about 2 years, but the current model is fairly new.
Staff capacity
Male undergraduates receive training from two graduate students, who serve as peer trainers during a three-credit training class. The undergraduates then deliver the program to various groups on campus. The program receives funds through the physical education department, campus police, and other university sources.