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Alaska Network on Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault

Domestic Violence Prevention Enhancements Through Leadership and Alliances Program (DELTA)

Alaska Network on Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault (ANDVSA) was one of 14 state domestic violence coalitions funded by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) for the Domestic Violence Prevention Enhancements Through Leadership and Alliances Program (DELTA). The project was designed to mobilize communities around intimate partner violence (IPV) prevention on the local, state, and national levels.

ANDVSA provided funds and technical assistance for local DELTA Coordinators and four community collaboratives to develop comprehensive and locally appropriate approaches to the primary prevention of intimate partner violence (IPV) in Alaska. Based on community-wide assessments, each community determined specific goals, objectives, strategies for the primary prevention of intimate partner violence and the promotion of healthy relationships.

Domestic Violence Prevention Enhancement and Leadership Through Alliances (DELTA) Statewide Coordinator and Evaluator provided assistance on topics such as community mobilization, logic model development, evidence-based strategies to address teen dating violence, socio-ecological model, comprehensive approaches to primary prevention, evaluation, and sustainability.

Alaska DELTA Sites
Dillingham DELTA- Rural Alliance For Teens
Juneau DELTA Program
Valdez DELTA

Statewide Prevention Coordinator
Lori Grassgreen
ANDVSA 130 Seward St
Juneau, AK 99801