primary prevention
To engage in the primary prevention of violence against women is, generally, to engage in activities that take place before such violence occurs that have the goal of preventing a first occurrence of future violence.
Prevention Theory: Theories related to the primary prevention of violence against women are generally based on feminist theory, and theories of behavior change based in public health.
Effective Strategies for Implementing Primary Prevention Programs
Primary Prevention Curricula and Programs
VicHealth 2007 Preventing Violence Before It Occurs.pdf
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Prevention Guidelines 2009.pdf
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: Guidelines for the Primary Prevention of Sexual Violence & Intimate Partner Violence from the Virginia Sexual and Domestic Violence Action AlliancePCAR Choosing Prevention Strategies.pdf
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: From the Pennsylvania Coalition Against Rape. This document “define[s] primary prevention and discuss some of its challenges. Then [it] look[s] at a framework for choosing primary prevention strategies.” It is part of a four-volume resource kit on primary prevention and program evaluation.
Tools for Change: An Introduction to the Primary Prevention of Sexual Assault by Morgan J Curtis and Tim Love for the Texas Association Against Sexual Assault (2009)
This document introduces readers to primary prevention and to the concepts, terms and models that comprise this approach. It explores the movement’s history for lessons learned and talks about how the work of preventing sexual violence connects directly and indirectly to the work that each of us in the movement does. Finally, it explores the public health model and associated terminology.
Shifting the Paradigm: Primary Prevention of Sexual Violence by the American College Health Association (August 2008)
“The purpose of this toolkit is to provide facts, ideas, strategies, conversation starters, and resources to everyone on campus who cares about the prevention of sexual violence.& Whether you are a faculty or staff member or an administrator or student, there are resources included that are directly relevant to your role in the campus community.”