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Prevention Research

Prevention Approaches & Theory

Sexual assault prevention efforts have been based on a wide range of theories and approaches . Many come from Public Health, feminist, and educational models.

Research and evaluation have been conducted to determine the effectiveness of prevention programs.

The National Sexual Violence Resource Center published a report, Key Findings from A Systematic Review of Primary Prevention Strategies for Sexual Violence Perpetration, summarizing a systematic review of effectiveness of primary prevention strategies by Sarah DeGue et al. (2014). The original article by DeGue et al., A systematic review of primary prevention strategies for sexual violence perpetration, is available in full to the public.

What research tells us about preventing rape: video, ~30 minutes.

From the World Health Organization (2010), “//Violence prevention: the evidence// is a set of briefings on what works to prevent interpersonal violence (including against women and girls), and self-directed violence. By spotlighting the evidence for effectiveness, the briefings provide clear directions for how funders, policy makers and programme implementers can boost the impact of their violence prevention efforts for women and girls, men and boys. It is available in English, French and Spanish.”

Evidence based

Public health principles call for evidence-based programs. However, there is significant discussion about what constitutes such an evidence-base.

Strategic Evaluation

Links between violence and chronic disease

Bibliography of research on prevention for college and universities

Making a Case for Prevention:

Articles and resources explaining the fiscal impact of sexual violence on our communities

Additional Resources:
International Journal of High Risk Behaviors and Addiction: open (free) access journal from Iran that often prints articles related to sexually violent behavior.

The Lancet Series on Violence Against Women and Girls: This is a 2014 series of articles based on researchers’ reviews of existing reviews of studies of prevention of various kinds of violence against women and girls globally. The articles are written clearly and are accessible for broader audiences than the research community.

“Rape Prevention and Risk Reduction: Review of the Research Literature for Practitioners”,
Published in January 2009

Rape Prevention and Risk Reduction.pdfRape Prevention and Risk Reduction.pdf

Kimberly A. Lonsway, Victoria L. Banyard, Alan D. Berkowitz, Christine A. Gidycz, Jackson T. Katz, Mary P. Koss, Paul A. Schewe, and Sarah E. Ullman, with contributions from Dorothy Edwards

Noonan 2009 Empowerment Evaluation With Programs.pdfNoonan 2009 Empowerment Evaluation With Programs.pdf

Noonan 2009 Empowerment Evaluation With Programs.pdfNoonan 2009 Empowerment Evaluation With Programs.pdf

Orchowski 2008 Evaluation of a SA.pdfOrchowski 2008 Evaluation of a SA.pdf

Recommendations to Prevent Sexual Violence in Oregon: A Plan of Action
Washington State Plan

Prevention Standards
Prevention Accreditation Standards from Washington Coalition of Sexual Assault Programs

Cost Benefit Analysis of Prevention
Transforming Communities: Technical Assistance, Training and Resource Center (TC-TAT) online manual, Making the Case for Domestic Violence Prevention Through the Lens of Cost- Benefit.

This brief research compendium provides a summary of scholarly work on sexual violence topics published in 2009. Excerpt: “In this document, we briefly describe a selection of recent findings in the published academic literature dealing with sexual violence. These selected findings covers topics related to rape and sexual assault on college campuses, men attitudes towards victims of sexual assault, and the use of an empowerment approach to working with survivors. While we have tried to include a variety of sources, this work represents a very small sample of the total amount of research related to sexual violence that has become important in recent years. We encourage anyone trying to answer specific questions about sexual violence to contact us so that we can provide resources tailored to your needs.”

From PreventConnect

In reverse chronological order.

Openly Accessible (Free) Articles

Citations listed alphabetically by year.