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PreventConnect: The Violence Against Women Prevention Partnership is a national project of the California Coalition Against Sexual Assault . The goal of PreventConnect is to advance the primary prevention of violence against women by facilitating information sharing among people who are engaged in such efforts. To achieve this goal, PreventConnect uses web conferences, a moderated email list hosted by Yahoo! Groups, and other forms of online media (such as podcasts and flash presentations).
PreventConnect explores vaious issues related to violence against women, and highlights efforts to:

  • stop violence against women before it starts,
  • engage communities in preventing violence against women, and
  • build upon the strengths of the violence against women movement, public health and other prevention efforts to create social change.

PreventConnect works to build the capacity of local, state, territorial, national and tribal agencies and organizations to develop, implement and evaluate effective violence against women prevention initiatives.

PreventConnect is sponsored by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The views and information distributed through PreventConnect’s various forms of online media do not necessarily represent the official views of the U.S. Government, the CDC, or CALCASA.