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Email Groups

Table of ContentsCDC Injury Center’s E-Mail ListChild Sexual Abuse Prevention Link (CSAP Link)FAMILYCOURTREFORM – activist & reform Yahoo GroupFIVERS Yahoo GroupFunding AlertIncite! Women of Color Against Violence Yahoo GroupKIDSDVSAMen’s Resources International Yahoo GroupMujeres en el movimientoNational Lawyers Guild VAWA Updates Yahoo GroupNorthern New York Call2Men Yahoo GroupNSVRC e-newsletterPreventConnectPROFEMRAINN Sexual Assault Professionals Yahoo GroupSART ListservSexual Assault Program Coordinators ListThe Sexual Violence Research Initiative ListStop It Now! E-Newsletter listStop Family Violence e-mail listTerritories ListservUNIFEM CurrentsUSAID Interagency Gender Working Group ListServVAWA Yahoo GroupVAWnet eNewsletterWomen’s eNewsWorking With Boys and Men Yahoo GroupMany violence against women prevention efforts use group email lists (also referred to as email groups or “listservs”) to communicate, discuss issues and build online communities.

CDC Injury Center’s E-Mail List This listserv provides regular news and announcements from the National Center on Injury Prevention and Control (NCIPC)
CDC Injury Center Email List

Child Sexual Abuse Prevention Link (CSAP Link) CSAP Link serves a diverse group of academic, research, education, public health, public policy, advocacy, treatment, and medical professionals whose work involves or relates to child sexual abuse and its prevention. CSAP Link allows professionals to share news, information, research, articles, ideas, thoughts, and other professional material. Together, we are creating a network to exchange information and a forum to discuss and develop ideas and new strategies to effectively prevent this epidemic and heartbreaking form of abuse.

FAMILYCOURTREFORM – activist & reform Yahoo Group FAMILYCOURTREFORM is an activism & reform community with over 700 current participants. Moderator is the founder of the largest and most pro-active ‘protective’ mothers’ group in the USA — NAFCJ with over 1000 intake contacts since its inception in 1993. Both custodial and non-custodial mothers, along with grandparents, fathers, abuse advocates and professionals and others concerned about injustices in the courts and social services in child abuse, domestic violence, custody and support matters are welcome. Discussion topics include public policy and events, effective personal activism, press relations and research findings on the courts and social services. Special focus on misuse of Parental Alienation Syndrome (PAS) to cover up paternal child abuse. Discussion of personal case problems must be kept to a minimum, although we do help each other with insights and other information for vexing litigation problems. Archives are public for review of important documentation on system failure and leads to web sites and other resources. Our intention is produce an official record of system failure and positive outcomes for aggrieved parents and children, and best material is added to our home page web site.

FIVERS Yahoo Group FIVERS stands for:

  • Feminists against
  • Intimate
  • Violence through
  • Empowerment, Energizing, Education, Exchange;
  • Resources, Resistance, Revolution, Research; AND
  • Support.

FIVERS is an e-mail discussion list that focuses on all aspects of intimate abuse and examines the phenomena from a feminist perspective. The FIVERs are a diverse group of women and men from many countries. Some of us are survivors; others are not. All of us are dedicated to building a peaceful, just and non-violent world. FIVERS seeks to provide a forum for the free and open discussion of all aspects of these issues in a thoughtful, safe and respectful environment.

Funding Alert Compiled by the National Resource Center on Domestic Violence and the National Sexual Violence Resource Center, the Funding Alert provides a weekly synopsis of current fellowships, scholarships, and grants that may be used to address domestic violence, dating violence, sexual violence, and stalking. To subscribe, please send your e-mail address to FUNDINGALERT@PCADV.ORG with Funding Alert in the subject line.

Incite! Women of Color Against Violence Yahoo Group INCITE is a national activist organization of radical feminists of color advancing a movement to end violence against women of color and their communities through direct action, critical dialogue and grassroots organizing.

JWI National Alliance to End Domestic Abuse Yahoo Group
Jewish Women International’s National Alliance to End Domestic Abuse in the Jewish Community is an outgrowth of JWI’s Call to Action National Network. It is ideal for social workers, counselors, advocates and other professionals who work to protect and promote a healthy environment for Jewish women and their families, who are at risk for being abused or survivors of abuse.
This virtual network will provide for professionals and advocates:

  • Education, training and technical assistance
  • Networking, sharing of information and resources, identifying problems in service and highlighting best practices
  • Compassionate self-care programs for domestic abuse workers
  • Public policy updates and advocacy education

KIDSDVSA Kidsdvsa is a resource-sharing listserv for staff of state domestic violence and sexual assault coalitions who work on issues related to children and youth. Topics covered by this listserv include:

  • Resources for training and technical assistance to local dv and sa programs on services to children, youth and families
  • Resources for training and technical assistance to local dv and sa programs on prevention education
  • Issues related to child custody and collaboration with child welfare
  • Strategies for building dv and sa programs that support mother-child relationships
  • Other issues relevant to state coalition children and youth staff

It is a moderated membership-only email discussion list hosted by the Wisconsin Coalition Against Domestic Violence. Please note that only state domestic violence and/or sexual assault coalition staff may join this listserv. To join, contact the moderator: Ann Brickson, Children and Youth Program Coordinator, Wisconsin Coalition Against Domestic Violence at

Men Against Violence Yahoo Group
Men Against Violence was created to provide support and resources for anyone wishing to promote and increase men’s involvement in violence prevention. Members currently include women and men working on college campuses, in community agencies, and in national and regional organizations devoted to equality and justice and the safety of all members of our communities. It is a place for us to share ideas, successes, and challenges, and perhaps most important, a place to ask questions and provide support.

Men’s Resources International Yahoo Group This mission of Men’s Resources International is to promote positive masculinity and end men’s violence by supporting the development of men’s programs in diverse communities, and building a global network of these initiatives working in alliance with women. This online discussion group is for men and women with male positive, pro-feminist, gay affirmative and anti-racist values to share strategies and resources for community building, organizing and social action.

Mujeres en el movimiento This listerv provides a free, safe forum for Latinas who work in the violence prevention movement to share resources and offer support. Mujeres del Movimiento (Latinas of the Movement) is a national list serv sponsored by the CARe: Communities Against Rape Initiative in the state of Indiana at Purdue University. Membership and participation is extended to Latinas who work in or care about the prevention of violence against women. CARe: Communities Against Rape Initiative is funded by the Indiana State Department of Health, Centers for Disease Control, Rape Prevention Education Grant – Principal Investigator, Mary Pilat, Ph.D.

National Lawyers Guild VAWA Updates Yahoo Group Sponsored by the National Immigration Project of the National Lawyers Guild for the National Network To End Violence Against Immigrant Women, this list is a private newsletter for updates to service providers who are interested in immigration legal issues arising out of the Violence Against Women Act and other relief for immigrant survivors of domestic violence.

Northern New York Call2Men Yahoo Group The mission of the Northern New York Call2Men group is: “To educate ourselves and others on the social changes needed to end violence against women.”
To accomplish this goal, we will:

  • Work together with women and advocates in the community
  • Learn to recognize, acknowledge and confront sexism
  • Challenge ourselves by examining our own sexism
  • Speak openly about violence against women
  • Mentor youth by modeling equality in our relationships
  • Invite others to join us

NSVRC e-newsletter The National Sexual Violence Resource Center serves as the nation’s principle information and resource center regarding all aspects of sexual violence. It provides national leadership, consultation and technical assistance by generating and facilitating the development and flow of information on sexual violence intervention and prevention strategies. The NSVRC works to address the causes and impact of sexual violence through collaboration, prevention efforts and the distribution of resources. e-newsletter Link

PreventConnect End Violence Against Women Before It Starts. PreventConnect is where local, state, national and tribal agencies and organizations discuss how to develop, implement and evaluate effective violence against women prevention initiatives. See our web site for information about web conferences, PreventConnect radio, Wiki and presentations on prevention. The PreventConnect email group is a moderated list to discuss issues related to the prevention of violence against women. Hundreds of people interested in prevention programs participate in this group. Yahoo Group Link This is a national project of the California Coalition Against Sexual Assault (CALCASA).

PROFEM The profem mail list is an Internet mail list with a focus on men, masculinities and gender relations. The list’s purpose is to:

  • Promote dialogue and networking among men and women concerned with gender justice and the elimination of sexism and gender inequalities.
  • Circulate information on new initiatives, research and resources.
  • Encourage and support men’s efforts at positive personal and social change, and provide a virtual community to men (and women) who may feel isolated in their political efforts and/or their personal realisations and struggles.

PROFEM was founded in 1997. The list is different from most other men’s e-mail lists that already exist. These are often dominated by men’s rights and anti-feminist ideologies, and we wish to provide an alternative. Both men and women are welcome to participate on this list. Some other pro-feminist men’s lists are listed among the links on XYonline.

RAINN Sexual Assault Professionals Yahoo Group This email group is a private discussion group for rape crisis, medical and legal professionals who provide services to rape and sexual assault victims. It is sponsored by the Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network (RAINN), who operates a National Sexual Assault Hotline and carries out programs to prevent sexual assault, help victims and ensure that rapists are brought to justice.

SART Listserv Hosted by the National Sexual Violence Resource Center (NSVRC), the SART listserv promotes ongoing dialogue and information sharing among community and professional organizations/agencies that respond to sexual violence. The SART Listserv supports the safety, justice and autonomy of all victims and survivors of sexual violence; works to meet the needs of underserved/marginalized service providers in the development of SARTs; and creates a forum to enhance the response to systems advocacy and sexual violence prevention initiatives among sexual assault response teams.

Sexual Assault Program Coordinators List This list was created for people who work for a college or university, or a related organization, to conduct sexual assault programming, coordinate response services, and/or work with students as peer educators, in order to reduce the prevalence of sexual and dating violence on campus.

The Sexual Violence Research Initiative List The Sexual Violence Research Initiative was initially hosted by the World Health Organization (WHO) before moving in 2006 to the Medical Research Council in South Africa. The SVRI aims to promote research on sexual violence and generate empirical data to ensure sexual violence is recognized as a priority public health problem. The SVRI Listerv provides weekly information on resources, publications, events, jobs, global news articles on sexual violence, and other activities related to sexual violence. As a member, you can share relevant resources with the membership via this list.

Stop It Now! E-Newsletter list This electronic listserve gives adults and professionals timely information and resources about preventing child sexual abuse. In addition to Stop It Now! program updates and our newsletter, list members are the first to hear about our new publications, trainings, marketing campaigns, and public dialogues.

Stop Family Violence e-mail list Stop Family Violence’s mission is to organize and amplify our nation’s collective voice against family violence. They are a catalyst for social change – empowering people to take action at the local, state and national level to ensure safety, justice, accountability and healing for people whose lives are affected by violent relationships.

Territories Listserv Hosted by the National Sexual Violence Resource Center (NSVRC), The purpose of this listserv is to share information on emerging topics, training, challenging issues, promising practices and perhaps just the experience of providing anti sexual violence services in the US territories.To subscribe to the Territory listserv, send a message to this email address, write “Subscribe Territory Listserv” in the subject line, and provide your contact information.

UNIFEM Currents Currents was the electronic news bulletin of the United Nations Development Fund for Women (UNIFEM) prior to its dissolution and incorporation into the new UN Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of UN Women (UN Women). Published at least six times per year, it provided up-to-date information briefs on UNIFEM initiatives, successes, events, projects and activities worldwide. The archive can be viewed here.

USAID Interagency Gender Working Group ListServ The Interagency Gender Working Group maintains a moderated listserv for those interested in the IGWG and other gender related news. Members of the IGWG listserv receive e-mails relating to the IGWG’s progress — information and updates on our products and services, as well as related information and announcements pertaining to gender issues. Members are encouraged to submit e-mails (such as gender articles in the population, health, and nutrition sector or conference announcements) in order to expand the network of information. Email to join.

VAWA Yahoo Group Yahoo Group Link

VAWnet eNewsletter The mission of VAWnet, the National Online Resource Center on Violence Against Women, is to harness and use electronic communication technology to end violence against women. The newsletter features announcements of new resource sand initiatives on preventing and responding to domestic and sexual violence. They also offer the ability to sign up for Special Announcements, which highlights timely items of interest.

Women’s eNews Women’s eNews is the source for independent journalism covering stories and events that impact women’s lives. Subscribe to this free news service and receive daily news stories, or daily news summaries and/or a weekly summary, with links to the full text.

Working With Boys and Men Yahoo Group This group works to increase knowledge of experiences, processes, and tools for working with boys and men to address violence against children, women, and to promote gender equality/equity.

(This list was originally developed as VAWnet‘s Special Collection “Researching Violence Against Women Online” in November 2007.)